Reviews: 302 reviews

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It was so cool getting my braces on! At first I was really nervous because all my friends said it would be painful and hurt to put them on. It accually didn't hurt at all. Dr.Tottori and his staff were patient and welcoming with me which made me feel more comfortable with the area. Thanks so much and I look forward to coming in six weeks!

i love going to the orthodontist because they are so nice here

It was so fun getting my braces on! Dr.Tottoris office is quiet, nice, and it's so fun having the Patients Rewards Hub. It makes me focus and always remember to brush my teeth carefully than from before I had braces.I love you Dr.Tottori!
Thank you for everything!!!!!

Doctor Steven Tottori is a very nice doctor. He always give reward to us thru earning points. His patient rewards is a very exciting game because after we had fun we will earn points that we can use in any store.